Category: Economic Times Newsletter

Economic Times Newsletter – 2nd Quarter 2022

Welcome to the 2nd Quarter Edition of the 2022 Pharr Economic Times Newsletter! On behalf of our board, staff, and members at the Pharr EDC, we thank you for your continued support and business. It has been another successful and busy quarter, and we are excited to share our many exciting economic development projects and news with you.

Pharr Launches Business Impact Survey to Measure Impact of COVID-19 on Local Economy

Pharr, Texas – The City of Pharr in collaboration with the Pharr EDC and the Greater Pharr Chamber of Commerce announced that they have launched a Business Impact Survey to measure the impact of COVID-19 on local businesses and the community.

“Our local businesses are the lifeline of our economy, and we rely on our local business community to provide us with goods, services, entertainment, and products that fulfill our needs, feed our families, and enhance our livelihood,” said Mayor Ambrosio Hernandez, M.D. “Many of our local businesses are suffering right now due to COVID-19 and although many have adapted to implement the current orders and social distancing initiatives, there are still many who have had to completely shut down their operations or switch to online or other delivery methods,” Hernandez continued. “Through this survey, we hope to gauge the needs of our community so that we can work together to assess the impact, prepare for recovery, and plan for the future,” he added.

The online survey has been sent to local businesses to ensure that the city has an accurate reflection of how businesses are coping, how hard they have been impacted, if they have the means to recover and continue operations, and to measure others issues that have come up as a result of adjusting business operations.


“Pharr has been proactive since the start of COVID-19, and we have been working closely with our local, state, and federal legislators on all levels, including keeping our local businesses informed of any economic assistance that may be available,” stated Victor Perez, Pharr EDC Executive Director.  “This is an especially tough situation for many businesses as they have had to change their normal operations, while also tending to the personal and financial impact caused to their employees and business,” he added. “As we continue to gather information from our local business leaders, we will be analyzing information and data collected to help guide future policy decisions and relief efforts,” said Perez.

City officials are doing all they can to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the community and urge Pharr residents and businesses to heed the guidance of federal, state, and local authorities to continue practice social distancing as we all work to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“Pharr is a resilient community and we want our residents and businesses to know that we are all in this together, and we will get through this together,” added Mayor Hernandez. “We will continue to fight this invisible enemy, while also continuing to fight for more resources, funding, and assistance to ensure that our community remains safe and that our local businesses and economy will continue to thrive,” he said.

The City of Pharr will use data collected from the survey to analyze the impacts on the local economy and to continue advocating for more assistance to help local businesses get back to business.

Economic Times Newsletter – 4th Quarter 2019

The City of Pharr had an exceptional 2019! On behalf of the Pharr EDC Board, and staff, we thank you for your continued support and business. We wrapped up the year hosting several events in partnership with the community, Workforce Solutions, and PSJA ISD.

Highlights from this newsletter include the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Pharr International Bridge, Binational Conferences, the 5th Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference, and Business Development Seminars.

Economic Times Newsletter – 3rd Quarter 2018

The Pharr Economic Development Corporation has been busy promoting our city’s economic opportunities, celebrating the opening of new businesses, and working with our local regional, state, and federal partners to advocate for projects and programs that directly impact our region and city.

Economic Times Newsletter – 2nd Quarter 2018

We are halfway through 2018, and our economy in Pharr continues to thrive. Our focus this quarter has been working on economic development projects of regional significance, welcoming many new businesses to our area, and continuing to support efforts to promote workforce development and job readiness.

Economic Times Newsletter -1st Quarter 2018

The first quarter of 2018 was a very active and exciting one for us at the Pharr EDC. In February, I celebrated my one year anniversary of my appointment as President and CEO of the Pharr EDC. Together, we have shared many accomplishments in serving the business community and contributing to our local economy.

Economic Times Newsletter – 4th Quarter 2017

We have been busy at the Pharr Economic Development Corporation since our last newsletter, welcoming many new businesses, celebrating groundbreakings, working with our international partners, and continuing to expand opportunities for our residents to enjoy a better quality of life—at home and around our great City of Pharr! Here at the Pharr EDC, we are on the trajectory of expansion, working closely with our community, regional partners, businesses, and future investors to continue to build this city! As always, we thank you for your support and business and we cannot wait to share the many new developments and projects we have been working on with you!

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